Work in Progress

In the middle of redesigning the blog – looking for a cleaner style. Although the “preview” new theme function showed transition of many of my blog’s features – the “activate” function didn’t bring them over. So, I’ll be resetting each one. If you host a blog party – the party links widget has disappeared but is coming back. Let me know what you think of this new, more “spartan” style (photo header and background color coming up).

.. editing this as I’ve gone back to my original theme after hours of browsing, uploading different themes and images and hating just one thing about them. One thing WordPress designers do a lot is mix fonts on a blog (for $30 I can get a font upgrade which I’d hope would let me fix every single word that displays – but I’m not sure). The  mixed fonts really give the blog a messy look – don’t know why any designer would put their name on a theme with them. The garden variety “idiot proof” blog template means I can’t change the categories fonts – you get the title in one and the subcategories in another (ick).

Still browsing other themes – so we’ll see if I can find a better one.

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