Welcomed Warmth and the Sun’s Dance

Welcomed warmth wrapped its nourishment to our depths while the sun danced a song across our mountains. We’ve had a beautiful, sunny week during which I was determined to get some shots.  I’ve chosen pics of the various birds that hang out at Ironstone Vineyards with a few of the grounds interspersed. The landscape design of their grounds is stunning – it was pure genius and executed impeccably.

5 comments on “Welcomed Warmth and the Sun’s Dance

  1. Candace says:

    How have I gone so long without discovering your wonderful blog?! I have spent some time here and love it. Your photos are amazing (I love the little hummingbird!) and your food looks so yummy. I’m signing on so that I don’t miss another post. Thanks so much for stopping by to say hello today! I look forward to following along with you. Candace

  2. Unknown Mami says:

    Gorgeous! The place is amazing and the photos are wonderful. Love the different birds.

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