Embroidering on Pashmina

Maureen's Pashmina

I’ve kept up the momentum to complete yet another project (but you’d never know it to look at my work area). This is an embroidered pashmina for my aunt. I am so happy with how it came out I went and bought more for Christmas presents 🙂 . The pashminas are 70% cashmere 30% silk from Aileen’s Scarves on eBay. They’re a nice light blend that drapes beautifully. They wear well – I’ve had some for four years, just never took the step to embroider on them before. I just hand wash them in a mild dish soap and lay flat to dry.
Maureens pashmina 2Details:

Used a Schmetz gold 75/11 embroidery needle
Sulky Rayon 40 weight embroidery thread
* moved to always using Vilene in the hoop and Solvy water soluble stabilizer floated on top (I used Solvy on top and bottom for this one you’re seeing – it worked fine, but all others had a tad denser design I went with Vilene / fabric type WSS on the bottom (still Solvy on top as it tears off easily).
Pinned then machine basted the pashmina to the stabilizer
Set the machine to medium speed
Font is RHI from 8 Claws and a Paw
Border is Butterfly and Flower border from Embroidery Library (dense designs are not a good idea)
The border was edited (half was mirrored, then entire border flipped for top)

Maureens Pashmina stitchout

I’d been nervous about trying this and put it off for awhile. It was so easy! Hope to finish a few more soon.

This post is participating in Unknown Mami’s Sundays in My City – my Sunday was spent stitching and editing more designs. I”ll try to grab my camera more for when I’m out and about.

Not yet off the Zipper Pouch Bandwagon

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These sets are Thank you’s for my sister’s friends who helped bake and cook for a family event in Massachusetts. Blue and Yellow are the colors of the Boston Marathon and Suzie ran this last one – I mentioned her story here: Marathon Post. They are legitimately Boston Proud and like to sport these colors. ”Mrs. Foley” hasn’t been married that long and uses her married name all the time.

To make an easy pocket for the larger cases, I cut two of the “back lining pieces”, folded one in half over some iron on interfacing right sides together and stitched the middle of the strip to the back lining. Then continued to make the bags per the “ITH – in the hoop” pattern instructions. The runner and butterfly designs are both from Embroidery Library, daisies and fonts used are part of my embroidery software.